For 2018, Manna help 6582 households, 22,652 people, and distributed 157, 086 lbs of food. Amen!
In 2010 Manna, on average helped 185 households every month here Van Zandt County, handing out almost 5000 lbs of food each month That totals approximately 60,000 lbs of food.
In 2011 that average was 267 households and 9702 lbs of food each month, a total of 116,422 lbs of food for the year.
In 2012 the average jumped to 362 households and 13,964 lbs of food each month. That means Manna distributed around 167,540 lbs of food.
In 2013, Manna served an average of 394 families each month This same year, 626 new families that had never been to Manna before have become clients.
In 2014, Manna implemented new guidelines for Senior citizens. a large number of our new clients are over 55. Our shopping lists were realigned to serve them more efficiently.
2014, brought in 4,428 families, a total of 14,538 people in those families and of those households 544 were first time clients. We distributed 143,390 lbs of food.